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Fees impact your investment, so it’s important you understand them.”

Securities and Exchange Commission
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Fees impact your investment


Sensible Portfolios is a low-fee Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) based in Reno, Nevada.
We’re a family business, and we treat our clients like family as well.
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I'm Darrell.
I’m a C.P.A. with a
sense of humor.
Visits art museums
Follows the Golden State Warriors
Loves being Opa
Runs 5k races
Still mows his lawn
Supports local organic farmers
Enjoys a dark night in the desert
Likes carving Halloween jack-o-lanterns
Listens to Merle Haggard
I'm Darrell.
I’m a C.P.A. with a
sense of humor.
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Visits art museums
Follows the Golden State Warriors
Loves being Opa
Runs 5k races
Still mows his lawn
Supports local organic farmers
Enjoys a dark night in the desert
Likes carving Halloween jack-o-lanterns
Listens to Merle Haggard
If you're considering an advisor, you should ask these questions:
Is the advisor qualified?
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Can I trust the advisor?
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How much do they charge?
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I’m a Certified Public Accountant, licensed by the state of Nevada.
I adhere to the CPA Code of Professional Conduct, which is over 125 years old and constantly updated.
Since founding Sensible in 1994, I’ve served hundreds of clients.

The financial industry thrives on complexity, but we believe simpler and lower-cost is better.

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After graduating from the University of Arizona in 2012, I joined Teach for America, a nonprofit organization that places college graduates in low-socioeconomic schools across the country.
I spent two years teaching first grade in North Las Vegas while earning my master's degree in education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
I'm Lena.
I’m a quiet introvert.
Drives an electric vehicle
Considers Lake Tahoe her favorite place
Reads the WSJ for fun
Likes to golf
College basketball fan
Likes trying new cooking recipes
A middle child
Inspired by female entrepreneurs
A quiet leader
I'm Lena.
I’m an introvert.
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Drives an electric vehicle
Considers Lake Tahoe her favorite place
Reads the WSJ for fun
Likes to golf
College basketball fan
Likes trying new cooking recipes
A middle child
Inspired by female entrepreneurs
A quiet leader
I next moved to Austin to join a large international consulting firm. There, I managed a team of client services associates who worked directly with financial services clients.
"I joined Sensible in March, 2021.  It's my responsibility to continue to leverage technology so that we can deliver services to our clients at the lowest cost.

I'm passionate about showing investors the negative impact high fees have on reaching their retirement goals."
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