Overcome Retirement Planning Challenges
Planning for retirement presents many challenges. Currently, we are in a period of historically high inflation and a bear market. Those issues present a particularly difficult environment for retirement planning, especially if you’re planning on retiring in the near term.
Even under the best circumstances, planning for retirement can’t be done with mathematical precision because important facts are unknowable, like when we are going to die. The best you can do is look at averages, which are simply estimates that can diverge significantly from your reality.
Another obvious unknowable is the return likely to be generated in the stock and bond market over time. You can use historical data and computer-generated simulations that assume thousands of future returns. But the result, while better than nothing, is still just an estimate of the probability of running out of money at a given age.
The uncertainty of retirement planning makes it all the more important that you focus on issues where you have some control and have a plan in place to overcome those challenges.
For retirement planning needs, contact a low-cost financial advisor today!
Darrell Armuth founded Sensible in 1994. Since then, he has served hundreds of clients. Darrell is a Certified Public Accountant certified by the state of Nevada.
1 https://www.forbes.com/advisor/retirement/sequence-of-returns-risk/
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10 https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/news/2021/oct/long-term-care-helping-clients-prepare.html
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